Estate Sale
May 5th, 6th & 7th, 2022
15153 Oakmont Street, Overland Park, KS 66221
A two-story home with full basement and three car garage (4,500 square feet) completely full of Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, Precious Moments Figurines, Steinbach Nutcrackers & Ornaments, Fenton Burmese Art Glass, 1850s Schiedmayer & Sohne Burled Wood Square Grand Piano, Wurlitzer Upright Piano, 3 Curio & Relic Firearms, Military Footlockers, Chinese Antiques, Robert Bosch Spark Plugs Cabinet, Franklin Library Leather Bound Signed First Edition Books, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Silverplate Flatware Sets, Noritake China Sets, Wilton Armatele Pewter Set, Limited Edition Pencil Signed Prints, Kenmore 80 Series Washer & Dryer, 1960s Lederhosen, Horse Show Ribbons, Craftsman Radial Saw, Sanborn Air Compressor, Toys & Games, Nintendo DS, Karastan USA Tabriz Wool Carpet (8.8x12), Century Furniture Dining Room Set, Miscellaneous Furniture and Household.